The Official Website of the State of Arkansas



Can OCSE help with questions or problems about visitation, custody, or property settlement matters?

No. OCSE has no authority to assist either party with these matters. These issues must be addressed through a private attorney or the court. However, the Arkansas Access and Visitation Mediation Program may be able to help you resolve these issues through mediation.

I’m a noncustodial parent. Do I have to pay child support if the custodial parent won’t let me see my child?

Both parents must comply with the order of the court; however, OCSE is only authorized to address issues related to the enforcement of the financial and medical support portions of the order. OCSE is not authorized to address custody and visitation issues. These issues must be addressed through a private attorney of the court.

I’m a custodial parent. The noncustodial parent doesn’t pay child support. Do I have to let the noncustodial parent see the children?

OCSE is not authorized to address custody and visitation issues. These issues must be addressed through a private attorney or the court.

How does a change in physical custody of the child affect child support?

If current child support is owed for a dependent child and OCSE has a case for a child, OCSE works to direct the support to the individual or agency that has physical custody of the child. Past-due support is usually owed to the individual who had physical custody of the child when the support was initially due.

Who should notify OCSE if a child’s custody changes?

If OCSE has a case for a child, both the custodial and noncustodial parents should notify OCSE in writing of a change in custody, and provide either a copy of a court order that shows the custody change, or school or other government records that reflect who has physical custody of the child.