
The assessment is levied to help promote the growth and development of the beef cattle industry in Arkansas by research, promotion, and market development. The assessment is due on all cattle sold in the State of Arkansas. Monthly reporting forms are mailed out by the Miscellaneous Tax Section and are required to be completed/filed by the 15th day of each month following the report month. The assessment is reported/paid primarily by the purchaser, except that if the sale occurs through a livestock auction market or any other agent of the seller, the livestock auction market or other agent shall collect and remit the assessment. The buyer is generally responsible for collecting $1 per head from the seller. By law, both buyer and seller are equally liable to see that $1-per-head has been collected and paid. 

The assessment rate is $1.00 per head of cattle sold in Arkansas. For each $1.00 assessed, $0.50 is directed to the Arkansas Beef Council and $0.50 to National Beef Council. An exemption (Ie. Heads Not Assessed) from the taxable base is allowed on cattle resold within 10 calendar days after the prior sale, if the assessment was paid on the prior sale. For cattle sold and assessed in Arkansas but originating from outside of Arkansas, the $1.00 assessment is forwarded on to the state of origin.

Applicable Statutes
AR Code Ann. §2-35-401 et seq.
Federal Beef Promotion and Research Act of 1985 (codified as 7 U.S.C. §2901 et seq.)