Violations and Points

Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Potenti ac per conubia lobortis placerat fames praesent ante felis. Ac natoque purus venenatis laoreet aptent ipsum gravida ipsum.

Violations and Points

The list below shows American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Code Dictionary (ACD Codes). ACD Codes are nationally recognized offense codes used to improve communication between licensing authorities in states. 

Arkansas State Native Codes
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
11BMTR Boat DUIBoating under the influence of alcohol03
11CCell phone warningCell phone violation – warning for minor03
12BBoat – Refused Test ARefuse test in a motor boat0A- Adult
M- Minor
22BMTR Boat DUI/DrugsBoating under the influence of drugs03
23FSpilling, unsafe loadSpilling, dragging, unsecured or unsafe load03
33FParking in a handicap zoneParking in a handicap zone – Conviction only03
34Interlock deviceInterlock device03
51BTransport liquor illegalTransporting liquor illegally03
52BTransport liquor to minorTransporting liquor to a minor03
60BMTR Boat Unage DUIUnderage boating under the influence03
67DLittering from a MVLittering from a motor vehicle03
69Court orderCourt order suspension03
70Fail to attend schoolFail to attend school03
72Fuel theftFuel theft03
75BFail show ins (history)Warning for failed to show insurance certification03
79Weapon at schoolWeapon at school03
85MTexting while drivingText message violation (old state native code – retired 08-01-2011)03
85WText message warningText message warning03
86MHH phone while drivingHandheld phone while driving03
DDCDDC ClassDefensive driving course03
NMFTC Non-MoveFailure to comply non-moving violation03
Driving Under the Influence over Specified BAC levels (BAC Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A04DUI with BAC >=.04Driving or operating a CMV under the influence of alcohol with BAC of at
least .04 but not greater than .079
A08DUI with BAC >=.08Driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol with BAC
at or over .08
A10DUI with BAC >=.10Driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol with BAC
at or over .10
A11DUI w/BAC >=__(dtl req)Driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol with BAC
at _ _ (detail field required)
0Offense & BACMajor55
A12Refused to testRefused to submit to test for alcohol – Implied Consent Law0A- Adult
M- Minor
General Driving Under the Influence (DUI Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A20DUI of alcohol or drugsDriving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs0OffenseMajor55
A21DUI of alcoholDriving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol0OffenseMajor55
A22DUI with BAC >=.10Driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol with BAC
at or over .10
A23DUI of alcohol and drugsDriving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and
A24DUI medicationDriving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of medication not
intended to intoxicate
A25Driving while impairedDriving or operating a motor vehicle while impaired055
A26Driving while drinkingDrinking alcohol while driving or operating a motor vehicle03
Possession Offenses (POS Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A31Illegal possess (alcohol)Illegal possession of alcohol03
A33Illegal possess (drugs)Illegal possession of drugs (controlled substances)0A- Adult
M- Minor
A35Possess of open containerPossession of open alcohol container while driving or operating a motor vehicle03
Transporting a Controlled Substance (IID Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A50VEH: controlled substanceMotor vehicle used in the commission of a felony involving manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing a controlled substance0Major55
Underage Drinking Group (UDG Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A60Underage DUI BAC >=.02Underage convicted of drinking, and driving or operating a motor vehicle at .02 or higher BAC0Offense3
A61Underage Admin DUI BAC >=.02Underage Administrative Per Se – drinking, and driving or operating a motor vehicle at .02 or higher BAC03
Administrative Per Se
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
A90Admin Per Se BAC >=.10Administrative Per Se for BAC at or over .100Major55
A91Admin Per Se BAC >=__Administrative Per Se for BAC at _ _ (detail field required)0Major55
A94Admin Per Se BAC >=.04Administrative Per Se for BAC of at least .04 but not greater than .079 while driving or operating a CMV0Major55
A95Amin Per Se DrugAdministrative Per Se for Drugs0Major55
A98Admin Per Se BAC >=.08Administrative Per Se for BAC at or over .080Major55
Hit & Run (Behaviors After Accidents) – HRB Group
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
B01Hit & run after accidentHit and run – failure to stop and render aid after accident8Major55
B02Hit & run fatal accidentHit and run – failure to stop and render aid after accident – fatal accident8Major55
B03Hit & run personal injuryHit and run – failure to stop and render aid after accident – personal injury accident8Major55
B04Hit & run prop damageHit and run – failure to stop and render aid after accident – property damage accident8Major55
B05Leaving scene before policeLeaving accident scene before police arrive8Major55
B06LVSC: fatal accidentLeaving accident scene before police arrive – Fatal accident8Major55
B07LVSC: personal injuryLeaving accident scene before police arrive – Personal injury accident8Major55
B08LVSC: property damageLeaving accident scene before police arrive – Property damage accident8Major55
B14Refusal to ID after accFailure to reveal identity after fatal or personal injury accident03
Driving After Withdrawal (DAW Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
B19Driving while OOSLDriving or operating a CMV in violation of a driver or vehicle out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials as defined in §383.5, or while driving or operating a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver3OOSO15
B20Driving while lic withdrawnDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license withdrawn3Major55
B21Driving while lic barredDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license barred3Major55
B04Hit & run prop damageHit and run – failure to stop and render aid after accident – property damage accident8Major55
B22Driving while lic canceledDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license cancelled3Major55
B23Driving while lic deniedDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license denied3Major55
B24Driving while lic disqualDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license disqualified3Major55
B25Driving while lic revokedDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license revoked3Major55
B26Driving while lic suspendDriving or operating a motor vehicle while license suspended3Major55
B27Driving while OOS orderDriving or operating a CMV in violation of a driver or vehicle out-of-service order (for violations not covered by B19)0OOSO15
Driver License/Vehicle Reg. & Title, Miscellaneous Duties (DRM Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
B41Altered/counterfeit licPossess or provide counterfeit or altered driver license (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Permit) or ID03
B51Expired/no driver licenseExpired or no non-commercial driver license or permit03
B56Driving CMV w/o CDLDriving a CMV without obtaining a CLP or CDL0Serious4
B57Driving CMV w/o CDL possessDriving a CMV without a CLP or CDL in the driver’s possession0Serious4
B61Fail to file acc reportFailed to file accident report33
B63Fail to file future proofFailed to file future proof of financial responsibility33
B64Fail to tile ins certFailed to file insurance certification33
B65Fail to file med/dis certFailed to file medical certification/disability information33
B74Fail to show proof insFailed to show insurance certification33
B78Fail to show IDFailed to show non-commercial driver license (includes Instruction Permit)03
B91Improper class/endorsementDriving or operating without the proper class and/or endorsement on
commercial or non-commercial permit or license for the specific vehicle
group being operated or driven, or for the passengers or type of cargo being
Misrepresentations (MIS Group)
CodeBrief DescriptionLong DescriptionPointsDetailCategoryRetention Time
D02Misrepresent ID for licMisrepresentation of identity or other facts on application, including required self-certifications, for non-commercial permit or license03
D06Misrepresent ID for alcohMisrepresentation of identity or other facts to obtain alcohol03
D07Possess multiple licensesPossess multiple driver licenses (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Permit)03
D10Make false licenseManufacture or make false driver license (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Permit)03
D16Show or use lic improperShow or use improperly – Driver’s License (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Permit)03
D27Violate limited lic condsViolate limited license conditions03
D29Violate lic restrictionsViolate restrictions of driver license (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction)03
D30Misrep of ID/other factFailed to file medical certifiAMisrepresentation of identity or other facts on application, including required self-certifications, for CLP or CDLcation/disability information0Falsify3
D31Issuance of Fraud (CDL/CPL)Fraud related to the issuance of a CLP or CDL0Falsify3
Financial Responsibility and Insurance Other than Filing (FRI Group)

Failure to comply fin responFailure to comply with financial responsibility law0  3
D36Failure maintain liab insFailure to maintain required liability insurance0  3
D37Fail pay dmg/intall pmtFailure to pay for damages or make installment payment0  3
D38Fail to post sec/liab relFailure to post security or obtain release from liability0  3
D39Unsatisfied judgmentUnsatisfied judgment0  3
Failure to Appear or Pay (FTAP Group)

Fail appear for trial/courtFailure to appear for trial or court appearance (detail sometimes required)0ACD DETAIL 3
D51Fail to pay child supportFailure to make required payment of child support0  3
D53Fail to pay fine/costsFailure to make required payment of fine and costs (detail sometimes required)0ACD DETAIL 3
D56Fail to ans/pay orig violFailure to answer a citation, pay fines, penalties and/or cost related to the original violation (detail sometimes required)0ACD DETAIL 3
Miscellaneous Duty Failure (MDF Group)

Driver’s view obstructedDriver’s view obstructed0  3
D72Inability to control vehInability to control vehicle3  3
D74Oper MV improp drowsinessDriving or operating a motor vehicle improperly because of drowsiness0  3
D75Oper MV improp disabilityDriving or operating a motor vehicle improperly due to physical or mental
0  3
D78Perjury about oper MVPerjury about the operation of a motor vehicle0  3
Equipment Required by Law (RBL Group)

Operate w/o equip as reqOperating without equipment as required by law0  3
E02Operate w/o brakesOperation without brakes as required by law0  3
E03Operate w/o hazmat equipOperation without hazmat safety equipment as required by law0  3
E04Operate w/o hazmat markngOperation without hazmat placards/markings as required by law0  3
E05Operate w/o lightsOperating without lights as required by law3  3
E06Operate w/o schl bus equpOperating without school bus equipment as required by law0  3
Equipment Prohibited by Law (PBL Group)

Use of radar/laser detectUse of radar of laser detector prohibited by law0  3
Failure to Use Equipment (FTU Group)

Fail to use equip as reqFailure to use equipment as required0  3
E51Fail to use brakesFailure to use brakes0  3
E53Fail to use hazmat deviceFailure to use hazmat safety devices as required0  3
E54Fail to use headlight dimFailure to use headlight dimmer as required3  3
E55Fail to use lights as reqFailure to use lights as required3  3
E56Fail to use school bus eqFailure to use school bus safety equipment as required0  3
E57Fail to use snow tiresFailure to use snow tires or chains as required0  3
Improper Equipment Use (IEU Group)

Equip used improperlyEquipment used improperly or obstructed0  3
E71Brakes used improperlyBrakes used improperly0  3
Restraints and Protective Equipment (RPE Group)

C/Y NOT USEDChild or youth restraint not used properly as required0  3
F03Motorcycle equip not usedMotorcycle safety equipment not used properly as required0  3
F04Seatbelt not usedSeat belt not used properly as required0  3
F05Carry unsecured passengerCarrying unsecured passengers in open area of vehicle0  3
F06Improper operate mtrcycleImproper operation of or riding on a motorcycle0  3
Stopping, Standing & Parking (SSP Group)

Obstructing trafficStopping, standing, or parking: obstructing or impeding traffic with a motor vehicle0  3
Failure to Obey (FTO Group)

FTO barrierFailure to obey barrier3  3
M03FTO construction markerFailure to obey construction or maintenance zone markers3  3
M04FTO flaggerFailure to obey flagger3  3
M05FTO lane markings/signalFailure to obey lane markings or signal3  3
M08FTO police/peace officerFailure to obey police or peace officer3  3
M09FTO RR xing restrictionsFor all individuals driving or operating a motor vehicle, failure to obey
railroad-highway grade crossing restrictions not specifically noted in other railroad-highway grade crossing related codes.
3  4
M10FTO RR gate/sign/signalFor all individuals driving or operating a CMV, failure to obey a traffic control
device or the directions of an enforcement official at a railroad-highway grade crossing.
M11FTO restricted laneFailure to obey restricted lane3  3
M12FTO safety zoneFailure to obey safety zone3  3
M13FTO school xing guardFailure to obey school crossing guard3  3
M14FTO sign/traffic ctrl devFailure to obey sign or traffic control device3  3
M15FTO stop signFailure to obey stop sign3  3
M16FTO traffic signal/lightFailure to obey traffic signal or light3  3
M17FTO traffic signFailure to obey traffic sign3  3
M18FTO warning light/flasherFailure to obey warning light or flasher3  3
M19FTO yield signFailure to obey yield sign3  3
M20FTO RR not slowFor individuals driving or operating a CMV who are not required to always
stop, failure to slow down at a railroad-highway grade crossing and check  that tracks are clear of approaching train.
M21FTO RR not stopFor individuals driving or operating a CMV who are not required to always
stop, failure to stop before reaching tracks at a railroad-highway grade
crossing when the tracks are not clear.
M22FTO RR fail to stop (req)For individuals driving or operating a CMV who are always required to stop,
failure to stop as required before driving onto railroad-highway grade
M23FTO RR not suff spaceFor all individuals driving or operating a CMV, failing to have sufficient space to drive completely through the railroad-highway grade crossing without stopping.3 RRGC4
M24FTO RR insuff clearanceFor all individuals driving or operating a CMV, failing to negotiate a railroad highway grade crossing because of insufficient undercarriage clearance.3 RRGC4
M25Fail stop unsigned intersFailure to stop – basic rule at unsigned intersection or when entering
roadway from private driveway, alley, etc.
3  3
<strong>Following Improperly (FOL Group)</strong>

Following improperlyFollowing improperly3  3
M31NSF distance passingFailure to leave sufficient distance for overtaking by other vehicles3  3
M32Follow emer veh unlawfulFollowing emergency vehicle unlawfully0  3
M33Follow fire equip unlawfuFollowing fire equipment unlawfully3  3
M34Following too closelyFollowing to closely3 Serious4
Improper Lane or Location (ILL Group)

Improper lane/locationImproper lane or location3  3
M41Fail to keep in laneFailure to keep in proper lane3  3
M42Improper lane changeImproper or erratic (unsafe) lane changes3 Serious4
M43Ran off roadRan off road3  3
M44Imp loc crossoverImproper lane or location – crossover3  3
M45Imp loc crosswalkImproper lane or location – crosswalk3  3
M46Imp loc ent/exit rampImproper lane or location – entrance/exit ramp or way3  3
M47Imp loc in bicycle laneImproper lane or location – in bicycle lane3  3
M48Imp loc in occupied laneImproper lane or location – in occupied lane3  3
M49Imp loc in HOV/restr laneImproper lane or location – in HOV or restricted lane3  3
M50Imp loc limitd access hwyImproper lane or location – limited access highway3  3
M51Imp loc medianImproper lane or location – median3  3
M55Imp loc on rail tracksImproper lane or location – on rail or streetcar tracks3  3
M56Imp loc on fire hoseImproper lane or location – on fire hose3  3
M57Imp loc oncoming laneImproper lane or location – oncoming traffic lane3  3
M58Imp loc road shoulderImproper lane or location – road shoulder, ditch or sidewalk3  3
M60Imp loc slower veh laneImproper lane or location – slower vehicle lane3  3
M61Imp loc center line(s)Improper lane or location – straddling center line(s)3  3
M62Imp loc travel turn laneImproper lane or location – traveling in turn (or center) lane3  3
Passing (PAS Group)

Imp passing/fail to mergeImproper passing3  3
M71Pass viol of posted signPassing in violation of posted sign or pavement marking3  3
M72Pass viol of opp directPassing in violation of opposite directions restriction3  3
M73Pass on wrong sidePassing on wrong side3  3
M74Pass on hill or curvePassing on hill or curve3  3
M75Pass school bus when warnPassing school bus displaying warning not to pass8  3
M76Pass where prohibitedPassing where prohibited3  3
M77Pass w/insuff dist or visPassing with insufficient distance or visibility3  3
Reckless, Careless, or Negligent Driving (RCN Group)

Inatt/careless/neg drivinInattentive/distracted, careless, or negligent driving or operating a motor
3  3
M81Careless drivingCareless driving or operating a motor vehicle3  3
M82Inattent/distract drivingInattentive/distractive driving or operating a motor vehicle3  3
M83Negligent drivingNegligent driving or operating a motor vehicle3  3
M84Reckless drivingReckless driving or operating a motor vehicle8 Serious4
M85Texting while drivingTexting while driving or operating a motor vehicle0 Serious3
M86HH phone while drivingViolating prohibition on using a hand-held mobile telephone or other
electronic mobile device while driving or operating a motor vehicle
0  3
Failure to Yield (FTY Group)

FTY ROWFailure to yield right of way (FTY ROW)3  3
N02FTY ROW to animal riderFTY ROW to animal rider or animal-drawn vehicle3  3
N03FTY ROW to cyclistFail to yield right of way to cyclist3  3
N04FTY ROW to emer vehicleFTY ROW to emergency vehicle (i.e., ambulance, fire equipment, police, etc.)3  3
N05FTY ROW Funeral/ParadeFTY ROW to funeral procession, procession or parade3  3
N06FTY ROW to other vehicleFTY ROW to other vehicle3  3
N07FTY ROW to overtaking vehFTY ROW to overtaking vehicle3  3
N08FTY ROW to pedestrianFTY ROW to pedestrian (includes handicapped or blind)3  3
N09FTY ROW to school busFTY ROW to school bus3  3
N20FTY ROW at crosswalkFTY ROW at crosswalk3  3
N21FTY ROW at rotaryFTY ROW at rotary/roundabout/circular intersection3  3
N22FTY ROW at stop signFTY ROW at stop sign3  3
N23FTY ROW at traffic signFTY ROW at traffic sign3  3
N24FTY ROW at traffic signalFTY ROW at traffic signal3  3
N25FTY ROW at unsigned intFTY ROW at unsigned intersection3  3
N26FTY ROW at yield signFTY ROW at yield sign3  3
N30FTY ROW warning displayedFTY ROW when warning displayed on other vehicle3  3
N31FTY ROW when turningFTY ROW when turning3  3
Failure to Signal (FTS Group)

Fail use/improper signalFailure to use or improper signal3  3
N41Fail to cancel signalFailure to cancel directional signals3  3
N42Fail signal intent 2 passFailure to signal intention to pass3  3
N43Fail signal lane chg/turnFailure to signal lane change or turn3  3
N44Giving wrong signalGiving wrong signal3  3
Improper Turns (IMT Group)

Improper turnImproper turn3  3
N51Improper method turningImproper method of turning3  3
N52Improper position turningImproper position for turning3  3
N53Make improper left turnMaking improper left turn3  3
N54Make improper right turnMaking improper right turn3  3
N55Make imp turn aroundMaking improper turn around (not U turn)3  3
N56Make improper U turnMaking improper U turn3  3
Wrong Way or Side (WWS Group)

Driving wrong wayDriving wrong way3  3
N61Wrong way at rotary intDriving wrong way at rotary/roundabout/circular intersection3  3
N62Wrong way on divided hwyDriving wrong way on divided highway3  3
N63Wrong way on one way stDriving wrong way on one-way street or road3  3
N70Driving on wrong sideDriving on wrong side3  3
N71Wrong side of divided hwyDriving on wrong side or divided highway3  3
N72Wrong side undivided stDriving on wrong side of undivided street or road3  3
N80CoastingCoasting (operating with gears disengaged)3  3
N82Improper backingImproper backing3  3
N83Improper startingImproper start from parked position0  3
N84Unsafe Oper/Haz drivingUnsafe operation3  3
Arkansas use ONLY S15, S92, S93

Speeding 1-5 MPH>limit01-05 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)3  3
S06Speeding 6-10 MPH>limit06-10 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)3  3
S14Speeding 11-14 MPH>limit11-14 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)4  3
S15Speeding 15+ MPH>limitSpeeding 15 mph or more above regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)5 Serious4
S16Speeding 16-20 MPH>limit16-20 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)4 Serious4
S21Speeding 21-25 MPH>limit21-25 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)5 Serious4
S26Speeding 26-30 MPH>limit26-30 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)5 Serious4
S31Speeding 31-35 MPH>limit31-35 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)8 Serious4
S36Speeding 36-40 MPH>limit36-40 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)8 Serious4
S41Speeding 41+ MPH>limit41+ > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)8 Serious4
S51Speeding 1-10 MPH>limit01-10 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)3  3
S71Speeding 21-30 MPH>limit21-30 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)5 Serious4
S81Speeding 31-40 MPH>limit31-40 > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)8 Serious4
S91Speeding 41+ MPH>limit41+ > Regulated or posted speed limit (detail optional)8 Serious4
S92SPEED DETAILSpeeding – Regulated or posted speed limit and actual speed (detail required) SPEED DETAILSerious4
Speeding (SPD Group)

SpeedingSpeeding3  3
S94Prima facie speed violPrima Facie – Speed violation or driving too fast for conditions3  3
S95Speed contest/racingSpeed contest (racing) on road open to traffic8  3
S96Speed less than minimumSpeed less than minimum3  3
S97Erratic/changing speedOperating at erratic or suddenly changing speeds3  3
S98Speed freeway/waste fuelSpeeding on freeway (“wasting fuel”)3  3
Vehicle Use in Prohibited Actions (VUP group)

Flee/evade police/rdblockFleeing or evading police or roadblock8  3
U02Resisting arrestResisting arrest while operating a motor vehicle8  3
U03Using MV in felonyUsing a motor vehicle in connection with a felony (not traffic offense)0 Major55
U04Using MV in misdemeanorUsing a motor vehicle in connection with a misdemeanor (not traffic offense)0  3
U05Using MV aid/abet a felonUsing a motor vehicle to aid and abet a felon0  3
U06Vehicular assaultVehicular assault3  3
U07Vehicular homicideVehicular homicide0 Major55
U08Vehicular manslaughterVehicular manslaughter0 Major55
U09CMV negligent homicideNegligent homicide while operation a CMV0 Major55
U10CMV causing a fatalityCausing a fatality through the negligent operation of a CMV0 Major55
U21Illegal oper emer vehicleIllegal operation of emergency vehicle0  3
U27Veh feticide 1st degVehicular feticide (1st degree)0  3
U28Veh feticide 2nd degVehicular feticide (2nd degree)0  3
Unspecified Violations Causing Accidents (VCA Group)

Viol result fatal accViolation resulting in fatal accident3 Serious4
Withdrawal Reasons for Specific Convictions (WRS Group)

PR DISQ CMVWithdrawal for driving a CMV while disqualified for previous violations in a CMV0 Major55
Withdrawals by Jurisdiction Law (WJL Group)

NON-ACDWithdrawal, Non-ACD violation0  3
W01ACCUM/HABVIOAccumulation of convictions (including point systems and/or being judged a habitual offender or violator)0  3
W72PEND FINALSuspended pending final disposition0  3
W80FAIL DRUGFailed employer-directed drug test0  3
W81REFUSE DRUGRefusal to submit to an employer-directed drug test0  3
W82FTS LIC/PERMFailure to surrender license or permit or otherwise comply with jurisdiction
0  3
Ineligibility Withdrawals (WIW Group)

Fail to surrender hazmatFailure to surrender hazmat endorsement as required by the USA PATRIOT Act0  3
W13Parental consent withdrwnParental consent withdrawn0  3
W14Phys or mental disabilityPhysical or mental disability0  3
W15Dr report recommendedPhysician’s or specialists’ report recommended0  3
W20Failed qualificationsUnable to pass DL test(s) or meet qualifications0  3
W27Fail to resched(fraud)Failure to make an appointment within 30 days of receiving notification that retesting is necessary [when fraud is suspected]0  3
W28Fail to resched(fraud)Failure to retest or failure of scheduled test(s) [when fraud is suspected]0  3
Accumulated Federally-Mandated Commercial Violations (WSC Group)

ACCUM2VIOLTwo convictions for serious violations within three years (For a “60 day” penalty)0 Serious4
W31ACCUM3VIOLThree convictions for serious violations within three years (For a “120 day” penalty)0 Serious4
W40ACCUM2 MAJORThe accumulation of two or more convictions for major offenses0 Major55
W41ACCUM+ MAJORAn additional conviction for a major offense after reinstatement0 Major55
W50ACCUM2 OOSOThe accumulation of two convictions for out-of-service order general violations (violations not covered by W51) within 10 years0 OOSO15
W51ACCUM2 OOSOLThe accumulation of two convictions for out-of-service order violations within 10 years where the second is while operating a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver and/or transporting hazardous materials as defined in § 383.50 OOSO15
W52ACCUM3 OOSOThe accumulation of three or more convictions for out-of-service order violations within 10 years0 OOSO15
W60RRGC 2 AVIOLThe accumulation of two convictions for RRGC violations within 3 years.0 RRGC4
W61RRGC 3 AVIOLThe accumulation of three or more convictions for RRGC violations within 3 years.0 RRGC4
<strong>Imminent Hazard (WIH Group)</strong>

Imminent hazardImminent hazard0  3