The Official Website of the State of Arkansas
As Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, I recognize Arkansas’ infrastructure is critical to the State’s success. Centrally located, with Interstate 40 running through the heart of the State, Arkansas serves as a logistical hub, attracting both small businesses and the world’s largest companies. The State’s strong, versatile workforce and abundance of resources provide a foundation for opportunity.
As people and companies continue to choose Arkansas, we must prepare our infrastructure to accommodate growth and ongoing expansion. Understanding that many federal infrastructure programs require a match, the Arkansas General Assembly has set aside $200 million which Departments can apply for as they seek federal infrastructure funding.
As Arkansans, we work together for the benefit of our great State. We will rely on the strength of these partnerships as we establish and maintain world-class infrastructure. I encourage you to continue visiting this site as we highlight innovative projects across the State.
With new federal funding available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Arkansas Office of the Infrastructure Coordinator was established to work closely with various stakeholders to maximize the impact of this funding across the State. In January 2023, Governor Sanders established the Arkansas Office of the Infrastructure Coordinator as a division within the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration and named Becky Keogh as the Arkansas State Infrastructure Coordinator. Becky has over 25 years of experience in positions within the state government of Arkansas, including Deputy Director and Director of the Department of Environmental Quality, and Cabinet Secretary for the Department of Energy and Environment.
This office works closely with stakeholders to maximize the impact of federal infrastructure funding across Arkansas. This includes engaging with federal agencies, city and county leaders, departments across state government, the Arkansas General Assembly, and the National Governor’s Association to prioritize and implement a breadth of infrastructure projects, leveraging critical public and private partnerships where possible.
Over the next several years, the State anticipates leveraging billions of dollars in federal infrastructure funding through broadband, transportation, water, energy, and other vital sectors. This amount is expected to increase as departments identify and seek competitive funds.
The Governor’s Office, Office of the Infrastructure Coordinator, department leaders, and other stakeholders identified the following five priority areas to guide Arkansas’ infrastructure investments:
Growing and expanding the economy within Arkansas by increasing access to economic opportunities for communities, advancing transportation and commerce, and maintaining a resilient supply chain.
Improving public and transportation safety provisions through promoting road and highway safety education and training programs, strengthening cybersecurity infrastructure, and making safety improvements to roads and bridges.
Scaling up the workforce needed for project delivery, promoting access to quality jobs, and developing a pipeline of talent across the State.
Celebrating the State's natural resources to develop, create and sustain outdoor recreation, business and employment opportunities through ecology initiatives, environmental resiliency projects, and proper water management practices.
Expanding efficient energy options available to Arkansans through resource development while maintaining a strong energy workforce and secure electric power grid that can withstand emergencies and severe weather.
Beyond the identified Priority Areas, key stakeholders, including the Governor’s Office, the State Infrastructure Coordinator, and department leaders, have established five Investment Principles. These principles aim to guide the State towards financially sustainable infrastructure investments while maximizing impacts across the State. These Investment Principles are:
The Infrastructure Roadmap outlines the State’s infrastructure priority areas and investment principles developed by the State Infrastructure Coordinator and presents nearly 100 grant opportunities which align with these areas and principles that could be leveraged by the State.
The Direct Federal Spending summary outlines additional funding that is impacting Arkansas through non-State entities in energy and power, public transportation, resilience, ports and waterways, and regional organizations.
These Compliance Fact Sheets provide detailed information, guidance, and regulation for 2 CFR 200 and Davis-Bacon Act requirements. These documents will help grant recipients navigate potential requirements for federal infrastructure grants.
For infrastructure related questions, please contact Becky Keogh, the State Infrastructure Coordinator.
[email protected]
For press inquiries, please contact Scott Hardin, the Communications Director for the Department of Finance and Administration.
[email protected]
National Governor’s Association:
IIJA Implementation Resources
IRA Implementation Resources
Federal Grant Opportunities:
©2025 Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. All rights reserved.