The Official Website of the State of Arkansas

Clarification: Deadline to Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements

Clarification: Deadline to Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements


Clarification: Deadline to Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements



Due to some confusion, please see the below clarifications.


The ARBUY Delta load will include the following:


  1. New Contracts created after March 31, 2022 with an end date after June 30, 2022.


  1. Existing Contracts that have been extended into FY2023 that meet the original criteria (see below bullet points) as of the extract date (currently June 20, 2022).


  • Effective End Date must be greater than 06/30/2022.
  • Fully Released Status (extract will occur after contracts included in June ALC are released by OSP). The timing and process for the June ALC review has not changed. The deadline for inclusion for June ALC review is May 27, 2022. 
  • Includes only line items with an un-ordered balance.
  • No lines overspent.
  • No contract terms greater than 7 years.
  • Consistent Units of measure and prices between the Outline Agreement and the Purchase Order.


  1. If there is a contract (for example, can’t adjust the value to match what has been released) that cannot meet the above criteria by June 17, 2022 and the contract will continue into FY2023, then the following steps must be completed.


  • Reduce the current contract to current year anticipated usage with a validity end date of 06/30/2022. This should be completed and released by June 17, 2022.


  • Create a new contract, with the remainder of the balance from the original contract (that was reduced) with a Validity Start Date of 07/01/2022. This should be completed and released by June 17, 2022.


  1. Changes to contracts that were migrated to ARBUY in the first round of conversion will NOT be updated or amended systematically. All changes will have to be done manually by agencies during quality assurance. OSP will provide a list of changes (including original and new values) for contracts that are included in the first round of conversion.


  1. Any contracts released after June 20, 2022 will need to be added manually to ARBUY.


[Original Communication] Deadline to Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements


Tomorrow, 04/01/2022, the ARBUY team will extract Outline Agreements (contracts) for Round 1 of the Programmatic Conversion of Outline Agreements (OA). The following selection criteria will be used to determine which contracts are converted.


  • Effective End Date >06/30/2022
  • Fully Released Status
  • Only line items with an un-ordered balance
  • No lines overspent
  • No contract terms greater than 7 years
  • Consistent Units of measure and prices between the Outline Agreement and the Purchase Order


The easiest way to avoid having a contract included, that you plan to change between now and 06/30/2022, is to change the validity end date to 06/30/2022. Once a document has been selected for conversion, any changes that are made to that contract will need to be manually reconciled during the planned Quality Assurance window.


OSP has worked with the ARBUY vendor, Periscope Holdings, to add a 2nd programmatic conversion for Outline Agreements to the project schedule. The date that contracts will be scheduled for extraction from AASIS coincides with the June ALC (Arkansas Legislative Council) review calendar.


  1. Beginning 04/01/2022 any contracts that require changes to meet OSP standards (see above bullets) that extend into Fiscal year 2023 will have to be reduced to current year anticipated usage with a validity end date of 06/30/2022.
  2. A new contract, with the remainder of the balance from the original OA, that was reduced, will then have to be created in AASIS with a start date of 07/01/2022.


This is the only way to systematically load ready to issue contracts [that were not fixed by 03/31/2022] into ARBUY once the system is made available for use.


To account for contracts that will be reviewed by ALC in June, agencies should target 05/31/2022 to complete this process. Any contracts corrected in this manner after 05/31/2022, are at risk of needing to be manually recreated by agency staff in ARBUY when the system is open for use. More specific guidance will be provided to Departments closer to 5/31.


Effective close of business 06/30/2022, agencies will not be able to create or edit Purchase Requisitions, Outline Agreements and Purchase Orders in AASIS. 


This means any contracts that are still needed on 07/01/2022 that were closed during the Fiscal Year End clean-up, will require the agency to manually create new contracts in ARBUY.




Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions about this announcement or related issues, call the AASIS Help Desk at (501) 683-2255 or complete the Help Desk form on the AASIS web site.

