Description: Specialty license plate for disabled veterans. White background Special Gold Star Family License plate with red lettering.
Eligibility: Under Act 635. The Department of Finance and Administration is authorized to issue one (1) Gold Star Family special license plate to an applicant who establishes upon initial application that he or she is a family member of a deceased service member recognized by the United States Department of Defense. A “deceased service member” is defined as a member of the United States Armed Forces who was killed or died in the honorable performance of his or her duty within one (1) year of receiving a service-connected injury or contracting a service-connected illness.
Requirements: The applicant must present a copy of the Report of Causality DD1300 form. Eligible family members include a spouse, parent, sibling or child of the deceased service member—proof of the relationship to the deceased service member may be required such as a birth certificate or marriage license. Eligible applicant must be listed as owner or co-owner on the certificate of title of the motor vehicle which the Gold Star Family plate will be issued.
Additional Information: No more than one (1) Gold Star Family license plate may be issued to an eligible applicant.
Eligible applicants include a spouse, parent, sibling or child of the deceased service member.