DFA Employment Information

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DFA Employment Information

The mailing address is: 
DFA Human Resources
P.O. Box 2485
Little Rock, AR 72203

The DFA Human Resources Recruiting Office’s location is: 
1509 Building
1509 West 7th Street, Suite 300
Little Rock, AR 72201

The DFA Human Resources recruiting staff reviews applications to determine whether or not an applicant possesses the required minimum qualifications for the job classification.  One or more of the following may occur: 

  • If the applicant meets the requirements, a copy of his/her application is forwarded to the interviewer for consideration, and a letter is generated to the applicant stating such.
  • If the applicant does not possess the requirements, a letter is generated to the applicant stating such. 

The interviewer is responsible for determining which qualified applicants will be interviewed and for scheduling interviews.

The DFA Human Resources Office maintains the official personnel file. The DFA Human Resources Office staff obtains pertinent hiring information from applicants selected for hire and ensures that the new employee is oriented to the Department’s policies and procedures.