
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Potenti ac per conubia lobortis placerat fames praesent ante felis. Ac natoque purus venenatis laoreet aptent ipsum gravida ipsum.


Applications to Federal Agencies

FY24 Federal RSAT Application07/02/2024
FY24 Fedral FVPSA Application07/08/2024
FY24 Federal SASP Application07/08/2024
FY24 Federal STOP Application07/08/2024
FY24 Federal VOCA Application07/08/2024

Agreed Upon Procedures Rate of Pay
As of 7/1/2013 rate is $75.00 per hour and all work and findings must be completed within a maximum of forty (40) billable hours.


VJA 2023 Statewide Impact
New Executive Director Training Video – May 2024
New Executive Director Training PowerPoint
IGS Connect
Subgrant Administration Guide
OJP Financial Guide
Office for Victims of Crime | Training & Technical Assistance
Qualified Service Providers
VJA Expenditure Reports
VJA Subgrant Award
SF-424 Form  Note: Right-click on the link, choose “Save link as” option to save the file to your computer and then open it from there with your PDF reader tool rather than within the web browser.
Grant Reviewer Training Video

Arkansas VOCA Match Waiver Policy05/21/2020
STOP RFP05/03/2018
STOP Waiver Guidelines05/21/2020
VOCA RFP04/17/2018
IGS Connect Grantee User Guide05/09/2018
Advisory Committe Meeting08/16/2016
AUP 2013 | Manual of Agreed Upon Procedures for Arkansas Victim Justice Assistance Programs10/02/2013
AUP Form | Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed Upon Procedures10/02/2013
DFA/IGS Victim Needs Survey | Arkansas Service Providers, Survivors, and Other Interested Individuals04/21/2016
DFA/IGS Victim Needs Survey | DFA Funded Service Providers04/21/2016
Grants Manual05/17/2013
On-Call Hours Policy04/24/2017
Reimbursement Request Processing Presentation12/05/2013
RFP Conference Call – May 10th, 201705/26/2017
RFP Conference Call – May 9th, 201705/25/2017
VJA Application Review04/12/2017
Workshop Presentation12/10/2013
RFA FORM | Certifcation of Expenditure Compliance
RFA FORM | Request For Application LLEBG 2023
RFA FORM | Form Only-Project Narrative Question #24
RFA FORM | Form Only-Budget Requested Item #25
RFA FORM | Form Only-Budget Request Justification Question #25
RFA FORM | Standard Assurances (Federal)
RFA FORM | Assurances Non Construction SF424B (Federal)
RFA FORM | Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions (Federal)
RFA FORM | Certification Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters, and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Federal)
RFA FORM | Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Certification (Federal)
RFA FORM | W-9 Form and Instructions
RFA FORM | State Clearinghouse
Requirement for EO 12372:  Completed Applications and the Completed SF424 Must Be Submitted to the State Clearinghouse electronically at the following email:
RFA FORM | SF 424 Form (Federal Form) – Fillable
RFA FORM | SF 424 Form (Federal Form) – Print
Instructions: To access/open the fillable form you must click download and save to your PC (Google Chrome) or Change your Browser to Internet Explorer to access/open SF424 Form

Helpful Links

Request for Proposals