Real Estate

The Real Property Transfer Tax is levied on each deed, instrument, or writing by which any lands, tenements, or other realty sold shall be granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed. The tax rate is $3.30 per $1,000 of actual consideration on transactions that exceed $100. 

Real Property Transfer Tax applies to transferring ownership of mineral rights.

If after purchasing a Real Estate Transfer Document, you discover that the transaction information is incorrect, please contact the Miscellaneous Tax Section to have a corrected stamp created.  

        Miscellaneous Tax Section
        1816 W 7th St, Room 2340
        PO Box 896
        Little Rock, AR  72203

        Telephone #: 501-682-7187
        Fax #: 501-682-1103

Applicable Statutes: AR Code Ann. §26-60-101 et seq. 


Title Posted
Affidavit of Compliance Form 10/08/2013
Transfer Stamp Change Request 02/18/2016
RET - Stamp Purchase Form 07/05/2018


Title Posted
General Revenue FYE 2014 02/25/2015
General Revenue FYE 2015 02/18/2016
General Revenue FYE 2016 08/04/2016
General Revenue FYE 2017 07/03/2017
General Revenue FYE 2018 07/03/2018
General Revenue FYE 2019 07/05/2019
General Revenue FYE 2020 07/02/2020
General Revenue FYE 2021 07/09/2021
General Revenue FYE 2022 07/01/2022
General Revenue FYE 2023 07/06/2023
General Revenue FYE 2024 07/01/2024