Residential property includes single family residences, duplexes, triplexes, mobile homes, condominiums, town homes, etc.
How Do I Assess My Property?
The Assessor automatically assesses real property annually to the owner of record based upon the current property records. The property owner does not need to take any action if there are no changes to the property. The property owner should notify the Assessor if there are any changes such as construction of new buildings, additions to existing structures or a change in use of the property (going from owner-occupied residence to rental property for example).
During the course of the reappraisal (3 or 5 year cycle) any previously undiscovered property is discovered and assessed by the Assessor. The Assessor makes changes of ownership in real property according to properly recorded deeds or other real property transfer documents.
When Do I Pay My Taxes?
Property taxes that are currently due are payable to the County Collector by October 15th each year. If October 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the taxes are due the next business day.
Partial payments are generally accepted up to the deadline; your County Collector can provide further details.
How Do I Appeal My Assessment?
If at any time you disagree with your assessment or think there are inaccuracies in your record, first check with your County Assessor. If there are errors in property details, those can often be fixed without further appeal.
For more substantial assessment appeals, the last day to schedule an appeal hearing with the County Board of Equalization is the Third Monday in August.
How does the Assessor determine a value for my property?
During the reappraisal cycle, every 3 or 5 years, each property is visited by the Assessor or their representative. During this review data on any existing structures (dwellings, out buildings, barns, etc.) and other improvements (fences, pool, driveways, etc.) is gathered. The information that is collected includes but is not limited to: size of the improvements, quality and condition of the improvements, sales data, and rental data.
At that time, for valuation purposes, one of the three approaches to value (sales comparison, cost approach, or income approach) will be applied to the property to determine its Market Value. Analysis and comparison is done with like properties to verify the accuracy of the value.
Property Tax Relief
Amendment 79 to the Arkansas Constitution, otherwise known as the Property Tax Relief amendment, gives taxpayers a few benefits. For more information on these benefits please see our helpful links below for the Homestead Tax Credit, Over 65 or Disabled Homeowner Property Tax Relief, and Amendment 79.