The Official Website of the State of Arkansas



Sign Up/Login

Account Maintenance

Return Filing and Payment

Technical Issues

Additional Help

Sign Up/Login

How do I sign up as a new ATAP User?
Click Sign Up on the ATAP Login page and follow the ATAP Access Request Instructions. Fields which contain a red asterisk require information before proceeding to the next step.

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How do I log in to ATAP?
Enter your ATAP Login ID (Username) and Password and click Log in. Select the method by which you wish to receive your Security Code to setup the two-step verification. You may select to receive the security code by email, text message, or through an Authentication App. Retrieve your security code from the method that you selected and enter this code in the Security Code field and click Confirm.

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What is my Login ID and Password?
The Login ID and Password are initially created by the user that created the Web Login for that person. If you have not signed up for ATAP access, click Sign Up to create a Login ID and Password. The Password must be a minimum of eight (8) characters in length and contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. The Password must also contain at least one (1) number and at least one (1) special character (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,+, etc).

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What is Two-Step Verification?
ATAP has an additional login security procedure requiring a security code in addition to a Password. You will be prompted to set up two-step verification by email, text message or authentication app. These settings can be changed in the Security section under Manage My Profile. For subsequent account logins, users will be given the option to “Trust this device” so that the security code is not required, or users may request a new security code for each login.

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What if I forget my Login ID?
Click Forgot username or password? from the ATAP Login page. Then click Forgot your username? Enter your ID Type, ID and Email Address and click Submit. The username associated to this email address will be emailed to you.

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What if I forget my password?
Click Forgot username or password? from the ATAP Login page. Enter your username in the Reset Your Password field and click Submit. Instructions to complete the password recovery process will be emailed to you. Click the Click Here link in the email, answer the security question and click Next. Enter your new Password twice and click Submit.

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How do I change my password?
Click Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Under Security click Change Password. Enter your Current Password and then the New Password (twice) and click OK.

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Can the Login ID ever be changed?

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What do I do if my account is locked?
Locked accounts automatically get reset after 24 hours since the last attempt. You may also call the Help Desk during normal business hours (8:00 am – 4:30 pm CST). In the Little Rock Area: 501-683-2827. Toll Free: 1-877-280-2827.

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Why am I receiving the error “Invalid Login/Password combination” when I try to log in to ATAP?
Passwords are case sensitive. Make certain your Caps Lock is off and your Num Lock is on and verify your Login ID and Password.

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Where can I find my account ID?
If you don’t know your account number, it can be found on the top right corner of a return or other correspondence from the Department such as letters and notices.

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I don’t remember my last payment amount. Can I still sign up for ATAP access?
No, for business accounts, you must provide one of the last three (3) payment amounts that has cleared your bank. For Individual Income Tax, you must provide the total tax withheld amount and your Adjusted Gross Income from your most recent year’s filed return.

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Account Maintenance

What tax types are available via ATAP?

Amusement Decal/License Natural Gas Fuel Tax
Beauty Pageant License Natural Gas Severance Tax
Beef Promotion Fee Oil Severance Tax
Beer Excise Tax Other Severance Taxes
Bingo Tax Other Tobacco Products Tax
Bingo/Raffle License Partnership Income Tax
Bovine/Pseudorabies Promotion Fee Pass-Though Entity Tax
Brine Severance Tax Real Estate Transfer Fee
Car Wash Water Usage Fee Rice Promotion Fee
Casino Gaming and Sports Sales and Use Tax
Catfish Promotion Fee Soft Drink Excise Tax
Cigarette Excise Tax Soybean Promotion Fee
Cigarette Papers Excise Tax Telecommunications Surcharge
Construction Surcharge Timber Severance Tax
Corn/Grain Sorghum Promotion Fee Vending Device Fee
Corporate Income Tax Waste Tire Fee
Dyed Diesel Tax Wheat Promotion Fee
Electronic Games of Skill Fee Wine Excise Tax
Fantasy Sports Games Withholding Pass Through Tax
Government Revenue Reporting Withholding Pension Tax
Individual Income Tax Withholding Wage Tax
Liquor Excise Tax  
Motor Fuel Tax (except IFTA)  

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How do I decide what type of access to give myself or another ATAP User?
There are 4 overall ATAP access types (Administrator, Account Manager, Agent, and File Only).

  • Administrator – has the ability to add account access, manage logins, add payment sources, and make customer level name and address changes.
  • Account Manager – has the ability to add account access, manage logins, and add payment sources.
  • Agent – cannot perform customer level edits except adding a payment source and changing their own basic profile information.
  • File Only – cannot perform customer level edits.

The access types can be tied to a different level for each account to which the user has access.

  • File/Pay/Edit – has the ability to file returns, make payments, close an account and make account specific name and address changes.
  • File and Pay – has the ability to file returns and make payments.
  • File Returns – has the ability to file returns.
  • Make Payment – has the ability to make payments.
  • View – will not be able to file or pay but can view most of the information.

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How do I create a new Web Login when logged in to ATAP?
Click Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Click More. Under My Users click Manage Secondary Logons. Click Add and create the logon for the additional user.

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What information is required to add access to an account when signing up for ATAP?
For immediate access to an account via ATAP, you must provide the following:

  • Taxpayer ID (Federal Employer Identification Number, Social Security Number, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
  • ZIP code of the primary address associated to the account
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
    Additional Information For Individual Income Tax:
  • The total tax Withheld amount
  • The Adjusted Gross Income from the most recent year’s filed return
    Additional Information For Government Reporting:
  • The account ID
  • The Letter ID of a letter you have received from the Department of Finance and Administration regarding the Government Reporting account
    Additional Information For Other Account Types:
  • The account type
  • The account ID
  • The amount of one of the last three (3) payments made to the Department of Finance and Administration
  • Bulk Uploader Logins will not be required to register as a customer and no tax account information will be required for this login.

NOTE: If this is a new business and your last payment is your application fee, then enter the amount $50.00. If you have made no payments, then enter $0.00.

When logging in to ATAP for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a security code. You will have the option to receive the initial security code by email, text message or through an Authentication App. For subsequent account logins, users will be given the option to “Trust this device” so that the security code is not required, or users may request a new security code for each login.

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How do I add ATAP access for an additional account with the same FEIN or SSN as an existing account?
Click More on the Customer page. Under Access Management click Add Account Access. Click Add Access to My Account(s). Click Add Account and enter the information for the account that you wish to add.

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How do I deactivate an existing Web Logon?
Click Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Click More. Under Other Users Click Manage Additional Logons. Select the Logon you wish to deactivate and click Deactivate Access and click Yes.

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How do I change my phone number or e-mail address?
Click Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Under Profile click Change Email or Edit Phone Number.

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Can I change an address?
Yes. Click More on the customer page. Under Names & Addresses click Manage Names & Addresses. Then click Addresses. Click the Location or Mailing address that you wish to change. Click Change this address. Enter the new address and click Verify Address. Select the verified address and click Next and then Submit.

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Can I change the Legal or DBA Name from ATAP?
Yes. Click More on the customer page. Under Names & Addresses click Manage Names & Addresses. Select the Legal or DBA name that you wish to change. Click Change this name. Enter the new name and click Next and then Submit.

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How do I cancel my ATAP access?
Click Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Click More. Under Access Management click Delete My Profile. Enter your Password and click OK.

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Return Filing and Payment

What if I have a filter or debit block on my bank account?
Businesses with a bank account(s) that have a filter or debit block must provide their bank with the following originator ID 1742843318.

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How do I make a payment?
You will be given the option to pay the expected balance due as part of your return filing. Alternately, you can use the Pay With Bank Account or Pay With Credit Card links for the account you’d like to make a payment for. Please note that payments may take 2-3 business days to clear the bank and appear on your account. For penalty and interest calculations, we will consider the payment received on the date the payment request was submitted.

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Can I save payment information for future use?
Yes. If you are setting up a new payment source while in the process of filing a return, please click Yes under Save this payment source for future use.

You may also set up new payment sources by clicking Manage My Profile in the upper right corner on the Customer page. Click More. Under Payment Sources click Manage Payment Sources. Click Setup new payment source. Enter your bank information and click Save. You may then go back and click Manage Payment Sources again to set the payment source that you just set up as the default payment source for specific or all tax accounts by clicking on the account type and then clicking Set as default.

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Can I pay with a Credit Card?
Yes. From the Returns page or the Customer page click Pay With Credit Card. You will need to select the Payment Type and if applicable, the Filing Period. Once you click Submit, you will be directed to a 3rd party site (ACI Payments, Inc) to complete your Credit Card payment transaction.

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How do I file a return?
If you are filing a return for the current period, click File a Return next to the period listed on the Customer page. Follow the steps to complete the filing of the return and if a payment is required, you may submit the payment at the end of the filing process. Or if you had no sales for the current period, click File a Return Reporting No Activity to submit a zero dollar return. If you need to file a return for a prior period, click Action Center on the Customer page. All past due returns will be listed here and you will click File Return for each period listed.

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How do I view or amend a filed return?
Click View Returns on the Customer page. Click View or Amend Return for the period that you wish to view or amend.

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Can I start filling out a return and finish it later?
Yes. Click Save Draft and then click Finish Later. To complete the return at a later time, click More on the Customer page. Under Submissions click Search Submissions. Click on the return that will be listed under Draft. Then click Continue Editing to complete and submit the return.

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Can I change or cancel a request?
If a request is still in the “Pending” status, it can be changed or deleted (cancelled). Click More on the Customer page. Under Submissions click Search Submissions. Click the appropriate request in the Pending column. For a return you may select Continue Editing, Delete, or Print. For a payment you would click Cancel Payment.

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Why can’t I print my return?
ATAP uses Adobe Reader to open documents that should be printed. If you are having trouble printing, ensure that your computer has Adobe Reader.
Go to to download the latest version.

IMPORTANT: Paper copies are for the user’s personal records only and should not be sent to the Department of Finance and Administration.

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Technical Issues

Which browser does ATAP support?
ATAP supports the current and prior major releases of Chrome, Edge/Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. If you are experiencing issues with your browser, please be sure you are using the latest version of the browser. To obtain the latest version or get information about the browser, you can search your browser’s help site.

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Additional Help

What if I do not see some of the links/features mentioned in the FAQs?
You may or may not be able to perform certain actions within ATAP based on your access level.

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Where do I go for additional assistance?
You can submit a question or comment from your ATAP account by clicking More on the Customer page. Under Messages click Send a Message to DFA.

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How do I contact ATAP?

Support Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm CST
Email: [email protected]
Please include your tax identification number or account ID when emailing the help desk.
Phone: 501-683-2827
Toll Free: 877-280-2827

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