If you’re not satisfied with the assistance you’re receiving, ask to speak with a supervisor or the office manager in that office. He or she will address your concerns with you. You may have to leave a message; if so, please allow one business day for a response.
In addition to the office manager, there are also Regional Managers and Field Managers who can help you resolve your concerns. Ask your local office for contact information.
Child support offices cannot resolve complaints regarding actions taken by the court, such as the amount of a child support order, custody, visitation, or spousal support orders. Only the court can resolve these matters.
The local child support offices will resolve complaints about the following:
- Payment and billing issues
- Decisions to close a child support case
- Customer service
- Timeliness of service
Administrative Review Process
If you feel an error has occurred in your case, such as services not provided in a timely manner or to contest calculation of arrears, or if you feel an action should have been taken on your case, you may complete the Administrative Review Request form. Once you submit this form, your local child support office is required to review the facts in your case and notify you of a determination of whether or not an error has occurred or why a required action has not been taken.
Administrative Hearing
The purpose of the administrative hearing process is to provide a way that someone who is the subject of an administrative action can appeal the action. Issues that can be addressed in an administrative hearing are as follows:
- License suspension
- Federal income tax refund intercept
- State income tax refund intercept
- Liens on bank accounts or property
- Custodial party noncooperation
- Release of custodial party or noncustodial parent address
You will receive notice before these actions occur with instructions on how to request an administrative hearing. If you wish to request an administrative hearing, you may complete the Administrative Hearing Request form.
If your concern doesn’t qualify for an administrative hearing, you may be able to request an administrative review. Please contact your local child support office for more information.
Problem Resolution Section
If you’re still not satisfied with the response you receive from the office manager, you may contact the Problem Resolution Section. This section will work with you and your local office to attempt to resolve your issues.
Office | Address | Phone | Fax |
Problem Resolution Section | PO Box 8133 Little Rock, AR 72203 | 877-731-3071 | 501-682-6002 |