Defining Agency Types
The different Agency Types have unique project needs, requiring different communications from the Team, so it is important to understand to which Agency Type your agency belongs. Please share this information with your deployment team or appropriate staff who are involved with the implementation of AASIS.
On-Line User Agency
An agency that will go on-line and use AASIS as its information system of record. Most agencies will have on-line access to and enter transactions directly into AASIS. Larger agencies will also interface transactions from their own programmatic (i.e. child support) systems. User agencies that do not have on-line access will use the Service Bureau to process transactions.
Service Bureau User Agency
An agency that will not go on-line but will use AASIS as its information system of record. A number of state agencies do not have the administrative staff to support the full complement of AASIS functionality or technical infrastructure to access AASIS. To serve these agencies, DFA will provide a transaction level support unit called the Service Bureau. These agencies will work with a Service Bureau representative for any variety of module activities (i.e. time entry, payment of invoices, purchasing, etc.). The Service Bureau function will exist within the DFA Management Services Division’s Office of Accounting, Office of Budget, Office of State Purchasing, Office of Personnel Management and the Employee Benefits Division.
Reporting Agency
An agency that retains its own information system of record. All Reporting Agencies may interface into AASIS. Agencies with the technical infrastructure to create an interface should submit transactions via an interface. If the agency does not have the technical infrastructure to create or the transaction volume to justify an interface then the agency will complete a form and send the form to the Service Bureau for processing. We have created an agency listing referred to as “Agency Listing” (formerly known as the Agency Matrix) that identifies agencies per type (defined above). We encourage you to review the List and contact the appropriate person listed if you have any questions or concerns.